
What to Eat And Drink Before, During, and After a Long Hike

What to Eat And Drink Before, During, and After a Long Hike

It’s the most satisfying feeling finishing up a long hike, knowing that there’s a meal in your future. After snacking on nuts and dried fruit all day, and burning loads of calories, a hot meal sounds especially appealing. And you deserve it! There are certain foods, however, that aid in the post-hike recovery period better than others, and will make you feel better. The hike itself may end at the trailhead, but the impact it has on your body lasts longer. In this post, we’ll tell you the best foods to eat after a long hike, as well as before...

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What Should I Eat While Mountain Biking?

What Should I Eat While Mountain Biking?

Mountain biking is one of our favorite pastimes because it’s an exhilarating way to be in nature and get an intense workout at the same time. Because mountain biking burns so many calories, it’s important to regularly fuel your body, depending on the length of your ride.  Carbo-Load the Day Before Because you’re going to be burning so much energy on a ride, you need to increase your energy stores to maintain your endurance. Carbo-loading is a technique used by mountain bikers, marathoners, and other endurance athletes. The uptake in carbs increases your glycogen stores, which are your source of...

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Best Foods for Bicycle Touring

The key to sustained endurance when on an extended ride? Clean burning energy.  Packing healthy, nourishing food for a bike trip is just as important as training for one. When you’re spending all day on a bicycle, you have to work harder to supplement all the calories you’re burning. This involves snacking every couple of hours, in addition to meals. Here’s our list of our personal favorite foods to bring when we’re bike touring. In this blog post, we’ll explain the benefits of each.  Best Foods to Pack for Bicycle Touring Oatmeal Vegan energy bars Nuts/nut Butter and trail mix...

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Can You Survive on Energy Bars Only?

Can You Survive on Energy Bars Only?

It seems almost futuristic to survive on energy bars alone, sort of like replacing all your meals with pills that provide the full range of necessary nutrients. But it is a possibility. Energy bars are futuristic in and of themselves–they were originally designed for astronauts, dubbed “Space Food Sticks”, meant to be consumed through an opening in the helmet. Given their portability and nutritional value, it’s not surprising that energy bars rocketed to success (pun intended) in the snack food market. What are the various types of energy bars? Energy bars come in all shapes, sizes, and flavors, and they’re...

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